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About us
The company is located in Osaka, Japan.
The main business is purchasing vehicles from Japanese auto auctions and its subsequent export around the world.
The part of the automobile market since 2008.
Organization for purchasing of cars from any Japanese auctions or stock.
Preparing the entire
package of documents for car export and customs clearance.
Correct translating auction checklists from Japanese to other languages - you will know all information about the condition of the car you want to buy.
Providing insurance and delivery of the purchased car to your country.
Process of buying cars from Japanese auctions.
We have a license to work with all auction houses in Japan. Therefore, we can take part and make bids on any of them.
Legal purity of work
We do not forge documents, do not twist the mileage, do not change the engine numbers.
Managers of the company are in touch 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. A qualified personal Manager will work personally with you.
Our strict rule is to be honest, on time, and to the benefit of the client.
International Sales Department
Yevgeniy Waechter
Olessya Waechter
Quality Manager
Mark Abish
Sales Manager
Kosta Shlupikoff
Sales Manager
Victor Grosman
Sales Manager
Kazutoshi Inoue
Auction sheet translator
Kristy Vilchinska
Logistics Manager
Daria Lach
Marketing Manager
Yumi Suzuki
Kohei Yamashita
Logistics Manager
Let's cooperate together!
Contacts Us
Japan office +81-3-4520-9342
German office +49-177-5792807
Save up to 20%

In choosing between a Japanese auction and your local market, remember that at the auction you can buy a car with lower mileage and better condition for less money.