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Used Car import regulations and customs duties

We have collected basic information about customs payments and rules for importing cars to various countries of the world. Please, select a country to find out more information:

If your country is not in the list, please contact our manager.

Please note that the import regulations and the process of registering vehicles imported from Japan can be changed for some countries. We publish the information and changes to the extent practicable.

Please, always consult with our managers on an issue if there are any changes in the import regulations for your country. The information, provided for every country, is not a public offer and is valid at the time of publication.

Full information

  • Year Restriction
  • Steering wheel position
  • Destination Port
  • Inspection
  • Documents required at the time of vehicle clearance
  • Duties and taxes
  • Registration of an imported vehicle

Japan office +81-3-4520-9342

German office +49-177-5792807