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Car-buying from all Japanese auctions. Full-service. Best prices. Worldwide shipping.

We will tell you how to save money on buying a used car and get a better condition for less money.
Radu, Ireland

I would highly recommend Carvector because they are very professional and trustworthy, qualities hard to find among their competitors.

14,000+ сars
delivered to 50+
countries since 2003
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How to buy

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How to buy

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How to buy a car from Japan

Easy to buy, easy to get.

  • Decide which car you want and send us a inquiry.

    Step 1
  • Choose your favorite car at auction or from a dealer.

    Step 2
  • Pay a deposit (guarantee fee) to bid at the auction.

    Step 3
  • Win Auction Bidding & Full Car Payment.

    Step 4
  • Car delivery to your destination port.

    Step 5
See detailed instructions
Save up to 20%

In choosing between a Japanese auction and your local market, remember that at the auction you can buy a car with lower mileage and better condition for less money.


We are CVR Group (CarVector Company) – the official car dealer with access to more than 230 well-known auction houses and groups throughout Japan (USS, TAA, CAA, HAA, LAA Group of Auction Houses). 

Our company purchases vehicles at Japanese auctions and stocks and exports worldwide. We provide a full range of services: car search, purchase, export procedures, inspection, ocean freight, and assistance with customs clearance.

Our company purchases vehicles at Japanese auctions and stocks and exports worldwide. We provide a full range of services: car search, purchase, export procedures, inspection, ocean freight, and assistance with customs clearance.

Japan has hundreds of car auction houses. Thus, there are a significant number of used cars in Japan. Customers can easily find used cars in good condition. Moreover,  it is possible to find cheap cars from Japan for sale. Consequently, car purchase from Japan is highly profitable. 
Read more about used car imports from JapanAbout used car imports from Japan
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  • 35% - Best price
  • 33% - Best condition
  • 23% - Huge stock
  • 9% - Make money
    on resale
Phelicia, Jamaica

I am so happy right now. I drove it and I am so in love with it. Thanks a million. I will definitely reccomend you guys to my friend.

Mohammad, the UK

Very reliable and friendly team. They have done everything very smoothly.

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